My newest single, "It's Your Time to Shine", features the keyboard wizardy of Harry Waters!

I am so excited and grateful to share the news that my producer Gary Gray was able to connect and collaborate with Harry Waters, a brilliant keyboard player who toured for many years with his father Roger Waters (yes, that Roger Waters, of Pink Floyd and solo career fame) and numerous other amazing artists! Harry is a stellar musician and we've been blessed to have him contribute some sweet Fender Rhodes playing on my new single, “It's Your Time to Shine”! 

Harry Waters with the Roger Waters band (that's him on the far right, next to the inimitable G.E. Smith). Source.

“It's Your Time to Shine” has also had the honor of being selected by TEAM (Transcend Entertainment and Music), aka, as their new theme song and branding phrase! This highly energetic, upbeat, rocker can lend a positive, fun message to any brand or advertising campaign. While I am excited about the potential for this song to land sync placements, I am even more delighted to release and share it with the world as an awesome musical masterpiece and its own right!



We're putting the final touches on “It's Your Time to Shine” as I write this and will be releasing it in May! Stay tuned! 



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